

Move end point is used to perform following scenarios on the specified account:

moving scenario will be detected using MoveScenarioCode property of the move model or type of properties passed, refer to documentation of the "MoveScenarioCode" below.

Optional properties

Move model contains many optional properties to facilitate keeping customer's information up to date while performing move process. for example following properties can be used optionally to update move in customer's information:

and similary following properties exist for updating move out customer's information:

Feedback properties

There are some properties defined to indicate how the move process should be controled, for example passing proper value for the following properties indicates how the gap between move in date and move out date should be managed:

Complete list of properties and their explainations can be found in the move model.


How should I build the move model?
Currently new call is not supported for the move end point and you need to build the model using separate new calls on different end points. for example making a NEW call to "/data/customer" will return an empty customer model that can be modified and passed a move in customer.
Can I pass "" instead of "_blank" for property values
Properties with defined enum values should be populated properly, passing empty string instead of _blank will cause validation error.
what is the customer number ‘99999999’?
Customer number should be a valid record exist in the system or the value ‘99999999’ as a place holder. ‘99999999’ will be replaced with valid customer number if no validation error happens during processing the move.

Move Model(Typescript)

Also available for C# and JavaScript

Sample json data

Move in new customer

javascript code used to generate following model can be downloaded from here.


Move out and vacant

javascript code used to generate following model can be downloaded from here.